Wednesday, February 17, 2010

photoshop images

Working on Images in Photoshop

Lines Form Dimensional Shapes and Figures 5 images/5 words

1. Dimension (Cubism) - Synthetic Cubism, Geometric Form, Picasso

- copy/paste
- crop
- filter - smart sharpen
- transform - warp
- filter - diffuse

Synthetic cubism
- crop
- adjustments - black and white
- layers
- filter - smart sharpen
- filter - texture
- filter - cut out
- transform - rotate

- copy/paste
- crop
- adjustments - layers
- black and white
- filter - cut out

Geometric Form
- copy/paste
- crop
- filter - craquelure
- adjustments - curves
- layers
- black and white
- filter - smart sharpen

2. Form (Abstract Form) - Modern Art, Geometry, Creation

Abstract Form
- copy/ paste
- crop
- image/adjustments/layers
- adjustments/ curves
- brightness/contrast
- filter - chrome

3. FIGURE (HUMAN FORM) - Contour, Proportion, Fashion

Human Form
- copy/paste
- crop
- transform - scale
- filter - sharpen
- filter - cutout
- image - adjustments
- black and white, curves
- layers, lights and shadows

- copy/paste
- crop
- black and white
- layers
- filter - sharpen


- copy/paste
- crop
- image - adjustments
- black and white, curves, levels
- filter - cutout

- copy/paste
- crop
- image/adjustments/curves
- brightness/contrast
- filter - sharpen edges
- transform - scale - warp
- filter - turbulent brush
- liquefy - bloat tool

4. Line (Rainbow) - Raindrop, Horizon Line, Rainbow Flag

-black and white
-transform - perspective
-filter - ink outlines - brush strokes

Horizon Line
- copy/paste
- crop
- image - adjustments
- black and white
- hue saturation
- curves

- copy/paste
- crop
- adjustments - curves
- filter - water color
- brightness/contrast

Rainbow Flag
- copy/paste
- crop
- layers
- curves
- filter - brush strokes - dark strokes

5. Shape (Sculpture) - Ceramics, Clay, Hands

- copy/paste
- crop
- layers
- black and white
- filter - twirling

- copy/paste
- crop
- layers
- black and white
- curves
- filter - sharpen
- filter - texture

- copy/paste
- crop
- black and white
- filter - plastic

- copy/paste
- crop
- transform - distort
- transform - warp
- filter - spherize
- filter - twirling
- curves
- layers

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